Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why the Democrats WILL Win in '08: Even if it's for the Wrong Reasons

Hillary Clinton will win because who's gonna fuck with that?!

Barack Obama will win because Obama rhymes with Jo Mama.

Edwards will win because he's the poor man's, $400 haircut, um...?...well he's nice to look at? Right? Guys?

Bill Richardson because he looks like that guy from Dances with Wolves.

Oh, AND because, um, he's the MOST QUALIFIED! The most executive experience, a true bi-partisan, latino (possibly the largest non white vote in the country), was Secretary of Energy and Ambassador to U.N. under Clinton, and--wait, that's not enough to convince you? Well all right...he is a freelance ambassador to the Middle East. A man who has diplomacy experience in the Middle East--check it!

Dennis Kucinich because...wait! You're NEVER gonna win! Who are we kidding? Someone whose ideals and stances on issues virtually completely match my own? That'll be the day.

And finally...why the democrats will win in '08:

This post's muse:

1 comment:

Badonkajohnks (aka Linda) said...

Yay Dickhouse! I'm glad you're writing...can't wait to read more.