Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why the Republicans Can't Win in '08

Ron Paul. He's just too cute of a man. I mean, LOOK at him! I want to take him home in my pocket and let him sleep in a drawer. Plus, do Americans really want another President named Ron?

Rudy, oh Rudy. I actually like him the most out of all the republicans. He could make a good president. But come on, with a lisp...?

And...Fred "where do i stand on issues i'm not sure but that doesn't seem to matter since i'm neck in neck with guiliani in polls anyway--go me!" Thompson.

Besides the fact that I'm pretty sure he's part Klingon, I just can't imagine someone who was in Die Hard 2 as the Commander in Chief. Although I can't imagine it, if it were to happen, that one fact might make me think that he's a little bit more awesome, even if I disagree with politically.

Stay Tuned for Cheap Shots at the Democrats!

This post's poem: a haiku

Flim Flam Paddywhack
Give the Doggie a Flip Chip.
Your Vagina's Warm.



Cory David Bortnicker said...

Someone needs to come up with a mathematical formula proving why Gore would win. We would call this formula an AlGore-ithm.

can I get a zing-zing?

Betsy Grace Matheson Symanietz said...

I officially love the Dickhouse.