Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pelosi Calls for House of Representative “All Out KY Party”

WASHINGTON, D.C.—(DH) Acknowledging Congress’s poor performance this past year, and in anticipation of its holiday recess, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi calls for an “all out KY party.”

“Despite the hugely divisive issue of the war in Iraq, I feel this will be an opportunity for us all to recognize that we’re all human—and, could use a little loosening up, if you know what I mean,” innuendoed Norm Coleman, R-MN.Pelosi has received many 'shout outs' for the fact that she paid out of pocket for over twenty gallons of KY Jelly and a 50 by 100 foot tarp that's to be laid out on the House floor.

“There’s no doubt it has been a particularly difficult year for all of us in Congress,” Pelosi stated in a press conference on Wednesday. “Folks are in a bit of a slump right now; that’s why I believe this KY party is a great idea. This should surely raise some spirits.”

Although some have accused the majority leader of ‘playing’ bipartisanship to earn points with Republican leadership and with the public, congressional leaders on both sides of the isle support Pelosi’s call for action.“I don't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat, this is sure to be a night (I hope) I don’t remember,” smirks Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-TX. Details about the date of the event and whether or not the Press will be invited are TBA.

1 comment:

Badonkajohnks (aka Linda) said...

The mental images this supplies...ugh..